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The World Now—& You

Reverend Wayne Plumstead Comments

Writer's pictureWayne Plumstead

"We Pray for Peace"

As the invasion of Ukraine continues unabated every day in all of its vivid horror and tragedy, people the world over are earnestly praying for peace and for the innocent victims of this terrible, senseless conflict.

I share here a hymn by Christian hymnist Carolyn Winfrey Gillette titled We Pray for Peace which I was affected to see on the website of the Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church. It was written in February 2022 as the invasion of Ukraine began. In a lecture some years ago, the founder of the philosophy Aesthetic Realism, Eli Siegel, explained the beautiful intent of prayer when he said: “Prayer is never mistimed because we can always call upon the outside world for strength.” You will also see below a video of the hymn sung by the Lead Singers of the Northlea United Church located in Toronto, Ontario | Canada.

May this hymn give us resolve and strength for the much-needed work of peacemaking that lies ahead.

We Pray for Peace

Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

Music: Finlandia, by Jean Sibelius, 1899

We pray for peace, O God of love and justice, as once again, we face a time of war. The meek and humble try—amid the crisis— to love and build, to nurture and restore. May leaders hear the truth the prophets teach us— that gifts of peace are well worth struggling for.

We pray for peace, O Christ who calmed the waters— who stilled the storm, who stilled disciples’ fear. You spoke with love and with amazing power; be with us now when trouble is so near. May leaders see the miracle you offer— that words and deeds can calm the nations here.

We pray for peace, O Spirit here among us; your love emboldens, judges, and restrains. Take any hate and acts of impulse from us; make leaders wise, amid competing claims. May we seek peace, O God of love and justice; may love and mercy be our highest aims.

Permission has been given by the author for the free use of this hymn.

Music video:

David Jafelice


Kayla Ruiz (Soprano)

Joshua Clemenger (Tenor)





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